Gamer's Opinion - Signs of the Apocolypse?
This is one of those GO's that is kind of off the topic of gaming. Actually it's totally off topic, my mind was wandering around and I thought about this. Two major hurricanes have hit the U.S so far and it's only half way through the hurricane season. We have one more named storm and then we're out of the alphabet. Now, a 7.6 (I think) magnitude earthquake in Pakistan. With so much abnormal weather, doesn't it make you think something's wrong? I think these are signs of the apocolypse, what about you? Whatever you do, don't panic, the sky will hear you and get angrier and make more hurricanes. [We're all gonna die! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!] Opinions please.
Yeah I know. But from what we do have recorded this is pretty severe. I guess but idk. Cool, so Advance Wars is good then...Yeah MP:Hunters was oook but I didn't like the controls. I'll get on AIM at 11 I guess.
Matt, at 6:00 PM
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