Gamer Mania 2

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm looking into the future just for you, you better pay attention

This week, we'll be doing some pretty cool stuff. First, just so you know, Zam is gone for the weekend again and maybe Monday, he's in New Jersey and New York. Let's see, this week. Hmm....We are going to be facing off the 4 different instant messenging programs and the 5/6 different browsers this week. I have all of them but I dont think you want them, but hey, I'm probably wrong. Also, I am getting a demo of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 this week for PS2, so I'll put up a little about that game. All the regular stuff will be there as well, duh. We also might throw in a cool-sounding surprise (yes, that was a hint).


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