Gamer Mania 2

Monday, June 26, 2006

No 360 price drop in late 06'

"'As you're all aware, there have been rumors of a price drop for the Xbox 360 coming along later this year,' wrote Porcaro. "The official word from folks in the know is that there are currently no plans for a price drop this fall." (Emphasis in the original.)

The rest of Porcaro's blog post goes on to talk about how the cost of a $299 baseline Xbox 360 is a small price to pay to enter the next-generation of gaming, given the fact Xbox Live Silver is free and the console also plays DVDs and MP3s. Oddly, though, Porcaro's superiors in the Redmond, Washington, headquarters had not returned requests for confirmation of the price drop as of press time."

I can't blame them. Their premium model is already $100 less then the base PS3 and their base model is only $100 more then the Wii. They're really right where they need to be, but this doesn't even mean that there won't be one.. he just said that there are currently no plans. It doesn't make sense for them to announce it now anyway - people would just wait and pay less.

Ah well, we'll see what happens.

Ton, out.

P.S. There are some freak power outages going on around here.. so blogging will be at the minimum till Wednesday. We'd rather not write articles and then lose them halfway. Sorry guys.


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