Gamer Mania 2

Friday, June 02, 2006

A lot of 360 news and a little Wii news

So it’s been a little while, but Microsoft has released a big bundle of news. First of all there is a new 360 dashboard update coming next week, which I’ll give you a run-down on once I get it. Then, the okay-ish game Perfect Dark Zero is getting 4 new maps (500 MS points) pretty soon, which is definitely good news because there weren't many originally. And then there are some rumors about new prices. The new 360 camera that’s coming out on September 19th is maybe to go for $40 along with a copy of Uno and a month of Live. I might want one, but I'm a little pissed... I really want Uno now, but if I buy one of these cameras in September, I'll have 2 copies for no reason. Then there’s the new wireless headset and 256 MB memory cards that are each supposed to go for $60. Some other MS news, they announced a plan called Live Anywhere back at E3, which will make PC and cell phone users pay for XBOX Live. In one way… it’s cool, because you’ll be able to play against PC users from your 360 and it’ll make a bigger community. In another… it really sucks, because online PC gaming used to be free.

And then… there’s this -

"Nobody is concerned anymore about backward compatibility," Moore said in a Kikizo interview, adding, "More are coming...but at some point you just go 'there's enough,' or 'let's move on.'"

What the hell does that mean Moore? What about all the people that sold their XBOXes for 360s? Gladly, this was on the blog today

"But rest assured, we're not done yet," Porcaro continues. "We know for a fact that there are lots [emphasis theirs] of people who continue to care about backwards compatibility, including the 'Emulation Ninjas' who are working full time on the updates. And those of us posting on this blog. And, of course, many of you."

And Nintendo came out with something interesting today. They were talking about the Wii, and they got on the subject of WiiConnect24. Well, they gave this example of something it could do, like, you could set it up to download new DS demos whenever they’re available (yes.. DS DEMOS!!). So, if one came out overnight, your Wii could download a new demo, and when you woke up a light on the Wii would be flashing. Pretty cool.


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