Gamer Mania 2

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Has A New Look

I was doing my rounds surfing the web, and then went to visit the website that I haven't seen in about a month. I was expecting the old stuff, you know, a release column, a little flash calender on the side, things of that nature. But no. I get to the site and now they have the little flash menu that is growing in popularity with all game websites and regular websites alike. No Nintendo, the video game company that is known for its uniquness and individuality, don't go to the dark side of the Namcos and the other stuff. Under the menu there are links to some news headlines and there is even a poll. On top you have tabs to the consoles, handhelds, fun vault, wi-fi, and some other stuff. I do have to admit, it does look a tad bit better. I mean, it is easier to look in one nice little menu than an all around front page. One of my favorite things about it is that on the right side of there is our favorite shroom shaped character Toad who has a bubble asking if you need help. Ok, I did find one problem, it takes FOREVER to load. I know I don't have the fastest internet, but dang, it's not this slow. I loaded five pages fully and it was still loading. Oh well, there are some pros and cons. Go check out the new looks at


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