Gamer Mania 2

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

PSThrizzle games for $60, I am amazed

Gamers have known about the price of the PlayStation 3 since E3 (except in Japan, where the price was recently cut), but the costs of the system's games have been up in the air. The cat may be out of the bag now, as the online Sony Style store now has listings for seven games, all priced at $59.99.

Shoppers can now preorder Ubisoft's Blazing: Angels: Squadrons of WWII, Activision's Tony Hawk Project 8, Call of Duty 3, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog and Full Auto 2: Battlelines, as well as Sony Online Entertainment's Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

So this isn't exactly official, but even so it couldn't really be any closer to official, so I'm stunned. As much as I have been hard on Sony for everything PS3, I have to say this is a very surprising (and good) move for them since everyone was expecting something more like $70. It looks like they finally might be starting to do some things right..

And I have to say my interest in the PS3 has been re-sparked all of a sudden, maybe because I too was expecting $70+ games. I don't really know why but I suddenly am considering getting one again..


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