Gamer Mania 2

Friday, October 28, 2005

Flash Fridays.....The Segment That Smells As Good As New York City Did Today

Yes another edition of Flash Fridays. Since I have a lot on my plate this week, I am only going to tell you one game I found. This game is called Grid Lock. In this game you try to move many blocks around to make a clear path to get the blue block through the hole on the side of the square. Yes it does sound a bit confusing, but just play it, very good puzzle game. I couldn't stop playing it. Eventually, I couldn't figure out on of them. Once you beat a level, you go to a next level with much more blocks you have to move to make it much more challenging. The game looks very hand drawn and cool. So, if you like a good brain puzzler, and have some time for a long game like this one, go check it out. That is all for this edition of the great maple syrup smelling Flash Fridays. Join us next week when Flash Fridays will be as tasty as a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, and oooooooh sounds so good I can't talk any more about it. Well enjoy. Also, in the comments tell us what level you get to. I got to lvl 16, see if you can beat me.


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