Gamer Mania 2

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Website Wednesday

Ok clowns and dolphins of all heights, it's time for Website Wednesdays! Welcome to the Gamer Mania 2 restaraunt, where we bring you the best sites you can eat. Our special beverage today is I know all you people are cheap and don't have enough money to even buy a good block of cheese, and that's pretty bad. So obviously you don't have Photoshop. That's why there's PXN8 (uhh..Pixinate? Yeah, let's go with that). So Pixinate is an online photo editor that lets you do all of the basic tasks for free. Just upload you're picture and crop away! Now that you are nice and refreshed, why don't you have a PowerGramo platter? Powergramo isn't as much of a website as it is a program. This is great for all you people who love to pretend they're on CSI (I know you're out there). In case you don't already have Skype, go get it, cause you'll need it to use PowerGramo. What this does is allows you to record your Skype conversations so you can turn your friend into the police if they're smuggling cows over the Kentucky border. Cool. Go get it for free or pay $20 for the professional version so you can sound professional just like all the other professionals that bought this. If you don't want a PowerGramo platter, you could always go to our AllExperts buffet. Here, we have professionals that will answer your questions about anything. Heck you can even become a professional in something (like professional frog jumping). I don't see the whole point of it, but it sure sounds professional. Finally, for dessert, take a look at this! What do you think those are? Peoples? Turtles? Two-Headed Puppy Monsters? Well you're all wrong! They're CGI heads!!! Fooled you didn't I? I think that's pretty cool that they can make CGI look so real. Imagine seeing that in video games Now where's my tip?


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