Gamer Mania 2

Monday, October 23, 2006

This Week In Gm2!

Before we start TWIGM2, let's first talk about last week in GM2:

Ton deals us some deals in MDM
SmilesD disses 5 games in his 5 most overrated games
Ton gives you a carbinated, over-the-speed-limit preview of Need For Speed: Carbon
Musicology: Video of the band Augustana
I dished out 3 great websites in WW
Ton recaps this week in releases in Release Recap
360 News: 100GB Hard Drive!!!
Some PS3 News
No Halo Movie! (For Now anyway)
Videology: Watch as this guy proves he has sexual crisma
SmilesD asks the question: What was your first must have game?
Lucy Clarkson has a message for you (pictures of her ass, INCLUDED!!)
Finally, A review of the new Justice League Heroes for the Nintendo DS

This week, SmilesD is doing his usual news, random questions, all his usuals. Ton is bringing you a few previews for the 360 and possibly a review of something. I'm brining you a review of Robin Williams' new comedy "Man of the Year", and maybe a preview or two, and maybe another preview. And of course, the usuals, the Videology, the Marked Down Mondays, Release Recap, all that good stuff. So this is gonna be a good week in GM2!


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